Good morning sunshine...

Sitting here in the office, got in early today, got my iced coffee from the Living Room, all is well. No case of the Mondays today, looking forward to a good week. Thanks again to all who came out yesterday. Above is a Ninja Boy doodle I did. Been awhile since I drew that bad boy, felt good. Got a lot of questions as to what I'm up to next. Thought I'd ask what you guys would like to see from me? Which characters, or character? I'll have another post later tonight. You guys all have a good day, now it's to work for me :P
"you always ditch me for a guy with cooler bangs"
Well, all i can say is that i would love to see SR as an ongoing title, but if you are gonna try something new i would suggest a female character again...
I would love to see you back in Gen13 but that's taken by Talent... so i guess its up to you...
Now, that was a helpful comment don't you think? ;)
sweet pic ale
Man you know i love that bad boy right there mang, i wanna see Ninja Boy AGAIN! More of it mang, you cant be teasing with the pages you did a while back and then this, and, and, well you get the point, i LOVE NINJA BOY!
Oh yeah dope piece by the way mang.
Somenthig Sci Fi, like Ghjost in the Shell?...Love your work, man!
Ninja Boy!!! That's when I really started loving your work...I'm a big fan of his furry friend, though I don't remember his name...
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